That’s Not Mead!

Finally! Got this entry posted. I really hope everyone enjoys it and finds it a little bit funny. It took me forever because I just kept re-writing the last page over and over again. I was never happy with it. I just decided to say screw it and post it. I just hope it is good enough not to completely suck. Now at least I can work on the next entry some, and hope my OCD, perfectionist ways don’t rear their ugly heads again. As always I look forward to your comments, remember to follow, comment, like or all three. Until next time, which hopefully won’t take forever, be good, if you can’t be good be bad, just be good at it. Thanks again all.

Enjoy the latest entry: Fredas, 5th Hearthfire, 4th Era


Homeward Bound?

OMG! I just finished watching one of my favorite YouTube Commentators, Gopher. He was informed of something that could make things for Zander very interesting in the future. Though it might actually undermine some of the cannon I have for Zander but I still think it is cool. What if Zander could return home to Cyrodiil? Well, there is a distinct possibility that could happen. There is a new massive mod in development that aims to bring Cyrodiil into the 4th era, it is called Beyond Skyrim. I am excited about this for obvious reasons, granted it couldn’t happen anytime in the near future but still, how cool would it be? If your Dragonborn could actually travel to Cyrodiil in the 4th era, how much fun could that be!

28 Days of Character Development 2014!

As everyone knows tomorrow marks start of the writing challenge, “28 Days of Character Development”. If you need more information on this challenge you can find what you need to know from Elspeth, who will be doing the challenge again this year. Also check out her new blog page which holds the rules of the challenge. Since I only have the one character, Zander, I will not be participating this year. But if you are curious you can always check out last years, “Inside the Character Studio”, that I did. Also, feel free to use any of the questions I used for your challenge.

Spring Time Fresh!

Okay, you got me. It is not springtime nor is it very fresh. I did however just update my blogrolls, and no they are not warm, moist, flakey or buttery. They are, however, updated with new blogs so go check them out. This also means I removed some blogs that were for a lack of a better term dead. I did, however, leave some blogs that some would say are dead, but I like them so much I consider them on life support as I try to convince the authors to continue to write again, which is proving to be an exercise in futility but I will still persist.

In other news. I am working on some banners for the different pages of my blog to try to class up the joint a bit. I think the “Mod List” banner came out really nice, or maybe it didn’t and I am delusional. In any case, I am finding it harder to come up with good banners for the other pages. Though I have some weird ideas I could try but who knows where that will lead me.

Well, as a stuttering, pantsless pig once said,  “Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-… That’s all, folks.”

A Dark Day in Skyrim

Bad News Everybody…

It is a sad day in Skyrim as my very first character, Dax, is gone. He went out, not by the hand of a foe, or in the glory of battle, no he didn’t go out with a bang but with a “WTF?!? NOOO!!!!!”. He has suffered from a horrible case of save game corruption.

Dax will be missed by many. Though he never married or had any children, he was a mighty warrior. He will be forever be remembered to those whose lives he touched. Dax was a man of many…many hats, helmets, and/or hoods.

Dax was known throughout Skyrim for many things. He rebuilt the Blades only to tell them to fuck off when they wanted him to kill Paarthunax. He became the leader of the Thieves Guild and one of three members of the legendary Nightingales. He was not only the leader of the Dark Brotherhood but also the Listener of the Nightmother and the assassin who slew Emperor Titus Mede II. An honorary member of the Orc clans in Skyrim. He was the Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold, even though he was only adept at healing spells at best. Earned the name of Stormblade as he led the Stormcloak army to victory over the rotted, postulating, festering, Thalmore infected Empire. He was known by many as the Dragonborn.

Holding all those titles and all those accomplishments meant nothing to Dax though. No, the one title he loved more than anything else was a title he had earned after his retirement from adventuring. 

He was and forever will be, SantaBorn.

 But, weep not for SantaBorn, like many mythical beings of lore, and legend, he too might return one day…

On a different note.

Good News Everybody!

Even though I installed a new mod, which is probably the reason Dax’s saved file got corrupted, Zander is fine! He is still on track for Falkreath and even put in his first full day with Alvor. So there ya go…silver lining….*sniffle*